Discover the Universe of Amee's Tarot World

Explore the mystical realm of tarot readings and spiritual insight

Vinit Mody
Vinit Mody
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It changed the way of my lifestyle & behaviour..

Illuminating paths, empowering souls, and inspiring transformation

Tarot expert & spiritual guide: Transforming lives globally with wisdom

Amee ShivRaam, once on a path to becoming a Chartered Accountant, found her calling in tarot after a transformative dream in 2009. Another vision in 2018 solidified her purpose: guiding others. Transitioning from corporate life, she’s renowned globally for her expertise in tarot, Vastu, numerology, and occult analysis. Beyond her roles, she offers spiritual healing, chakra cleansing, and mentorship to aspiring enthusiasts. Recognized as the “Eminent Tarot Reader of India 2021,” she’s poised to share her profound insights through her upcoming book, slated for release by the end of 2021, further solidifying her status as a luminary in her field. heading for this

  • Transformative dream in 2009 led to her calling in tarot.
  • Global acclaim in tarot, Vastu, numerology, and occult.
  • Eminent Tarot Reader of India 2021
  • Vastu Shri 2022

Unparalleled expertise in spiritual arts and divination sciences

Expertise and Experience:

 10+ years of experience and expertise in tarot card reading. Emphasize the depth of your knowledge and proficiency in interpreting the cards.

Personalized Readings:

Offer personalized tarot card readings tailored to the unique needs and concerns of each client. Mention your ability to provide insightful guidance and clarity on various aspects of life, including relationships, career, and spirituality.

Professionalism and Integrity:

Assure potential clients of your professionalism, integrity, and commitment to ethical standards in tarot card reading. Highlight your dedication to providing honest and accurate readings while respecting client confidentiality.

Holistic Approach:

Describe how your tarot card readings encompass a holistic approach to well-being, addressing not only immediate concerns but also promoting spiritual growth and self-awareness.

Our clients feedback

We denounce with righteous indignation and dislike men who are so beguiled and demoralized by the charms of pleasure of the moment.

Want to know more? Reach out to us

Their empathetic listening and thoughtful responses fostered a deep understanding of your  concerns. The session seamlessly blended wisdom and compassion, leaving you with profound insights and a renewed sense of clarity.

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