The Transformative Power of Counseling

Finding support and light amidst life’s turmoil

jasmina patel
jasmina patel
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One can feel very positive after meeting her.

Unlocking life's potential through counseling

Stress Relief

Expert guidance amidst life's rapid pace.

Mental Health Support

Addressing anxieties, depression, fostering resilience.

Relationship Guidance

Nurturing healthier connections, interpersonal skills.

Emotional Well-being

Finding solace, being heard, overcoming challenges.

In today’s fast paced world where there are a million reasons to be stressed about but nobody to guide you or help you navigate life and personal relationships, counselling helps you in ways that you cannot even imagine. Be it your mental health, anxieties, depression or just the need to be heard – you can just contact our counsellor and see light through the darkness.

Empowering mental well-being: stress relief and mental health support through counselling

Counselling offers support in navigating life’s challenges amid a fast-paced world.

Addressing anxieties, depression, and other mental health concerns through therapeutic sessions.

Nurturing healthy connections: guidance in personal relationships

Counselors provide insights for healthier interactions and connections.

Offers a safe space for individuals to express themselves and be heard without judgment.

Professional compassion: guiding through life's trials toward resilience

Trained counselors provide expertise and tools to cope with various life situations.

Through counseling, individuals can discover hope and resilience amidst difficulties.

Transparent pricing for tarot sessions in India

Audio Call

Unlock clarity and guidance with a 30-minute tarot audio call session. Book your session now!

INR 2300

Video Call

Experience insightful tarot readings through a 30-minute video call session. Reserve your slot today!

INR 3200

Personal Meet

Elevate your tarot experience with a 30-minute in-person session. Book now for personalized  insight.

INR 5000

Transparent pricing for tarot sessions Overseas

Audio Call

Unlock clarity and guidance with a 30-minute tarot audio call session. Book your session now!

INR 3200

Video Call

Experience insightful tarot readings through a 30-minute video call session. Reserve your slot today!

INR 5000

Book live consultation session today